Background, Coaching & Training Experience
Dr Miriam Bayés MD PhD PCC is Consultant, Mentor & Coach specialized in Systemic Leadership at the individual, team and organizational level. She has lived in 4 countries, is Spanish and lives in Barcelona. She speaks 3 languages fluently, Spanish and Catalan are native languages and English. She is the founding director of Motivate, Build and Grow where she provides services to support talent development and leadership skills.
She is a mentor for Barcelona Activa and Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, also serving the Professional Women Network association for over 6 years with multiple mentees. She is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation.
As part of her training for her current work as facilitator, mentor and coach her certifications include: Executive Masters in Positive Leadership and Strategy at IE University | Masters in Coaching and Personal Leadership at University of Barcelona | Positive Psychology course, U. Maastricht | DISC Extended | Curso Avanzado de Habilidades de Liderazgo Universidad de Barcelona | Organizational and Relational Systems Coaching (ORSC) | Neuroliderazgo Aplicado a Empresas, U. Barcelona | Sikkhona model and assessment for team cohesion and trust | Liberating Structures | Human Systems Dynamics Associate | Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation.
Dr Miriam Bayés is a physician specialized in clinical pharmacology, and a doctor, with 35 years of executive leadership experience both in the healthcare & science as well as in the corporate environment. She brings a mix of experience from the rigorous world of clinical research, the strategic context of the corporate environment and the fascinating world of human development. Miriam has always been passionate about teaching and facilitating the growth of people and teams, what she has been doing in the multiple positions Miriam has had over the years as Medical Director. Recently Miriam has decided to put her knowledge and experience in several hospitals and organizations, family businesses and large multinationals in different countries to the service of the medical, scientific, and academic community as well as entrepreneurs and other corporations. Her solid background in neuroscience and complexity is fundamental when working with individuals and teams in organizations supporting talent and leadership development and career transformation. She accompanies professionals dealing with complexity to improve leading others and drive personal development.
Located in Barcelona with deep knowledge of the European and north American cultures from many years living abroad in Switzerland, UK and USA. She knows well the different types of organizations having worked in public institutions as well as family businesses and large multinational corporates. Currently working as a full time consultant and executive coach & mentor with executive boards and C-suite level as well as middle management.
She collaborates with the Humans Systems Dynamics Institute (HSDI) developing training programs and courses based on HSDI models and methods on leadership and coaching with a systemic approach, which respects and understands complexity without trying to capture or decompose it. Courses developed are: “Leading Complex Adaptive Systems” and “Adaptive Coaching for systemic Development and Growth”.
- Miriam was awarded Top 20 Coaches In Barcelona In 2022 by Influence Digest after a rigorous analysis of multiple profiles
- Miriam has participated as keynote speaker at the Science of Adaptability by Abra, Laboratorio de Aprendizaje, Chile: “Una nueva mirada para entender la transformación organizacional”
- Interviewed at Valiente Motivació, Perú on transformational leadership: “Clave para tomar decisiones en las organizaciones”
- Keynote speaker for Integra Salud Talavera. “Gestion del cambio y coronavirus”.
- I participated in Mss Tamela Handie’s podcast: Patterns and Possibilities. Thriving in uncertainty. Curious Conversations with Special Guest Miriam Bayes – Season 2/Episode 17
- Conversation with Jessica Breitfeld on the context of the Berlin Changed Days
- And I am regularly on Instagram life with book reports and other topics
Client history and assignments include: BOOST UAE Dubai | Barcelona Activa | Medical School UVic-UCC | Center for Genomics Regulation | Institute for Research in Biomedicine | Beigene | Valle d’Hebron Institute of Oncology | Escola Superior Infermeria, Hospital del Mar de Barcelona| Fundació Hospital Sant Joan de Deu de Martorell | Servei Catala de la Salut | Equip Atenció Primaria Santa Eugenia de Berga | Cellusys |Ad Salutem Institute | Prous Science Institute | Prous Research | Thomson Reuters | Agencia Catalana de Protecció de Dades | Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona | Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona | BluePhage |Fundació Unió Catalana d’Hospitals |Grupo Vitalmex México | GFT México | GPX Argentina | Fundació Universitaria del Bages, Universitat de Manresa | Facultat de Ciències de la Salut, UVic-UCC | Serveis de Salut Integrals Baix Emporda | Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos Nicaragua & México | Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya | Consorci Hospitalari de Vic | Speexx Coaching cessions | Coach Base coaching sessions.
Approach and Benefits
Miriam coaches leaders to understand their capabilities and leadership styles and to put these to best benefit in their organisations. She coaches businesses to grow and identify opportunities for success; trains individuals to fully realise their potential, either for personal development or for career progression; teams to collaborate better, improve output and productivity. She uses positive psychology and resilience techniques to enable clients to become more confident and focused thus overcoming their barriers to success.
The benefits of Miriam’s approach include:
- Provide methodology for decision making under pressure and in challenging and demanding situations.
- Developing leadership skills to manage successfully change and uncertainty to generate individual and collective adaptive capacity.
- Talent development and career orientation.
- Mentoring CEOs and C-suite on leading and decision making in uncertainty.
- Working with teams to improve the relationship dynamics with a positive impact on productivity and efficiency.
- Helping leaders to create psychological safety and a learning culture for quality and excellence.
- Supporting leaders and middle management to be aligned on a common mission, vision and strategy.
- Creating the conditions for leaders and teams to work on measures and approaches to overcome burnout.
- Empowering female professionals to move forward and progress on their career.
- Supporting outstanding professionals to overcome impostor syndrome.
Selected Testimonials
“ Dear Miriam, I’d like to thank you again so much for your excellent workshop at the Barcelona Change Days! I was very impressed by the excellence and proven impact your team coaching has and found your workshop very insightful, hands-on and inspiring at the same time!” – Anja Achenbach at Berlin Change Days Barcelona 2024
“It’s said that people don’t change. That we are always in the same way, both personally and professionally. Miriam has shown me that this change is possible. In the months that I have had the pleasure of receiving her coaching, Miriam has guided me with warmth, active listening and talent towards being able to analyze in depth what my areas of improvement were and, what is more important, to implement changes in my way of managing the team” – Oriol Alsina, Head of Fundraising IRB
“I had the opportunity to receive a few career orientation sessions from Miriam and it helped me to make myself visible on Linkedin. From there, finding a new job became much easier.” – Maria Fábregas Peret, CFO Comsan
“I’ve had the pleasure to know Miriam Bayes as a Coach to our company in Vitalmex of many of the top leaders including myself. I have not only been impressed by her professionalism and strict adherence to the code of conduct and ethics of coaching, but her deep skill set has allowed us to see tangible results in personal growth and team cohesiveness. I enjoy working with Miriam very much, and really admire her deep capacity at perception and helping all of us look ourselves in the mirror without makeup, but at the same time allowing us not to feel ashamed or less, but feel that we can grow as human beings, and really become better leaders. I will continue and work with Miriam in the future, and rate her as one of the best in the coaching industry for sure.” Erik Seiersen, Global CEO Vitalmex.
“Miriam helped me to see in a very unbiased and open way the root of the problems I was facing so that I could find a constructive solution using my strengths. It gave me tools to face the challenges I face in my career and seek the professional growth I am aiming for. I highly recommend it for all people looking to grow personally and professionally.” – Linda Vega, Executive and Business Transformation Consultant
“Miriam and I recently worked together on a project to define corporate identity and build the business strategy based on values, vision and mission of a fast-growing startup in Argentina. It has been a very rewarding experience, mainly because of how decisive and practical Miriam is when it comes to facing projects. Empathetic, open, and extremely generous, I hope we have more opportunities to work together in the future.”– Maria Antonia Piloni, GPX Store
“Thank you very much Miriam!! for that capacity, sensitivity and intelligence that makes us connect with a professional and personal purpose. -Because through dialogue you manage to make listen to ourselves and others to enhance individual and team capacities and transcend the rest of the organization. I was fortunate that Miriam accompanied me in a process of great importance for the organization and professionally and personally, being fundamental for success.” – Ricardo Rangel, CFO Country Manager Vitalmex
“I appreciate the support you have provided me during the sessions in which we have worked together for better team management, as they have been of great help to me and I think it has helped me a lot, not only at work but also on a personal level. I would recommend Miriam to anyone who wants to improve leadership skills.” – Carles Parés PhD
“The professional path is a path with unforeseen events, full of challenges and constant changes; objective, critical, mature and evidence-based advice are necessary and difficult to find; that is why I turn my recommendation to Miriam, who through her expert professional approach, has helped me understand and comprehend the business world from another perspective. The coaching program that supports her work, challenges you with deep questions to help you find your own resources to overcome the challenges. I recommend Miriam Bayes as an advisor and consultant, and I recommend her because after a few sessions, the trust generated becomes the basis of a much-needed business advice.” – Ramón Mier, Health sector entrepreneur
“The coaching process with Miriam was one of great introspection and personal growth, not only did it generate a greater awareness of myself and my environment, it was also a great learning process full of readings and discussions of great authors. Thank you very much Miriam.” – Lourdes Mejía, QS Founder and Partner
“Hello! I recommend Miríam’s support and advice as a coach and mentor. With it, I have learned to know myself better as a professional, my strengths, my weaknesses (learning to modify them) and face challenges. Your support has allowed me to analyze situations with criteria and perspective. In addition, through communication between all the members of the management team and FCSB teaching staff, we have developed the first Faculty project. There is still a long way to go, objectives to outline and activities to develop. But we are right. Thank you Míriam for making it possible!” – Paola Galbany-Estragués, President of the Nurse School, Barcelona
“Miriam helped me in a few sessions to outline the transition in my career. Very close, empathetic and effective, she helped me to specify my abilities and prioritize my aspirations. The result was quick and very positive. Now I’m in a new and very exciting stage of work” – Silvia Nadal, Sector Leader Chemical and Life Science at Arcadis
“Fortunate to receive the support and guidance I needed to unlock an important topic in my business. Persevering professional, with passion for her work and exceptional empathy. Through her analysis of results with the DISC system and following her recommendations, I was able to react and put a stop to the blockage mentioned above. I highly recommend Miriam!”– Andrew Crockley, CEO Business Communication
“I have been mentored by Miriam Bayes in Barcelona Activa and I will always be grateful to her support and guidance, as she has opened my eyes to new stages of opportunities and helped me to grow in my potential. She is what you expect to receive from an excellent mentor. I have learned from her in any session we have had, going from strategy, human resources, new projects and projects. She has brainstormed me in many topics. She listens to the others and is so polite! She is an asset to any team and project she joins! – Anna Muñoz, MD PhD Managing Director at Alta Medical Services
“Miriam is a very experienced professional and her work is deep with substance. I arrived at our coach sessions with an expectation to do a simple and more superficial job but at the end we went very deep in important matters for me and it the work was very transformative in the way I see things. I am very grateful for what we achieved!” – Felipe Pavan Conflict Manager specialist
“Miriam is full of positive energy and enthusiasm. She brings a great balance of innovation and feet on the ground. Very well structured and analytical is also capable of projecting forward-looking strategies that ultimately enable people to grow. Miriam is very good at connecting with people understanding the big picture and facilitating the conversation towards a successful outcome..” – Mario Sebastian, VP at Cisco
“Miriam has an innate intellectual curiosity, an active ability to question, analyze and respond according to the demands and opportunities. She is a passionate scientist with a genuine interest in human well-being. With an accurate sense of direction, she guides you through meaningful exploration of human potential.” – Alessandra Zamora, Founder Colegio Monarch, Guatemala
“Miriam is a great person. Understands the root of the essence of others and respects it, this being a fundamental basis for offering personal advice to Leaders who require a coaching or mentoring program in leadership, life project and executive. Undoubtedly, due to her experience and trajectory, anyone who decides to live the experience with her, will obtain in the process tools to evolve in all the desirable dimensions. I highly recommend her.” Jaime Cervantes, Humanist entrepreneur
“Miriam is a pleasure to work with. She is both analytical and intensely human. Her scientific grounding provides strong structure, which together with her natural desire to help make her an ideal sounding board. She both challenges and supports you to think differently.” – Veronica Amago, Global Sales Director
“Miriam is one of the most rigorous and yet deeply human professionals I have ever met. She is living proof that clear reason and a warm heart can co-exist in harmony within the same person. I have learnt so much from Miriam’s vast experience as a scientist and have been equally inspired by her openness, authenticity and deep caring for the people around her. If there are people who seem to be natural mentors to others, Miriam is definitely one of them. I wholeheartedly recommend her as a coach and facilitator to any team or organization who want to stick to the science and at the same time put the “human” back into “human development” – Alis Anagnostakis, PhD
“Miriam’s support during these months has been essential to work on the cohesion of our team at a time of change and uncertainty in a context of great complexity. All these made the difficult day-to-day care and relational activities more manageable. Miriam has proven to be a great professional, making us all feel valued and involved in the process of change and conflict resolution, re-establishing interpersonal relationships that have enhanced cohesion, collaboration and teamwork, improving the quality of care and the day-to-day service. THANK YOU! ” – Dr Manuel Rodríguez Blanco, Jefe de Servicio de Cirugía General y Digestiva H. Sant Joan de Deu
“Miriam has a wealth of experience in the field of medicine, research and business, as well as knowledge of leadership and team management. That, along with their attitude and values—aligned with those of NPH—have helped develop and maximize the potential of NPH’s teams of healthcare professionals. Miriam has fostered a better work environment and the optimization of available resources to improve service to patients and staff at NPH homes. “ – Pilar Silverman, Medical Director NPH International
“I have had the pleasure of working with Miriam on several projects over the past year and all I can say is that it has been a very positive and eye-opening experience. Miriam’s strong understanding of positive psychology and its application in the business world, coupled with her scientific background, makes her a professional with the right mix of skills to take any business to the next level. “ – Mar Hurtado de Mendoza, Global head of International Development at IE University
Testimonials from associates
” Miriam is smart, kind and wise. I met her at PWN and delighted with her session which she delivered at our 16th edition Change Days Festival this weekend in Barcelona. She is strong and present. She is liked by all- I must say. We had 13 nationalities and 39 participants, and she was a delight. I am convinced she is a wonderful coach although I haven’t attended a session on that specialty. Thanks for doing what you do for the community of Barcelona.” Jessica Breitenfeld
Training Courses and Conference Presentations
- Miriam has developed program curricula and delivers the 35h course “Leading complex systems. Identify emerging patterns to manage change successfully” in collaboration with the Human Systems Dynamics Institute to bring its models and methods to the Spanish speaking market. Delivered as an open course (now 3rd cohort) and in company.
- Miriam has developed program curricula and delivers the 40h course “Adaptive Coaching for systemic development and growth” in collaboration with the Human Systems Dynamics Institute which has been accredited by the International Coaching Federation with 40 CCEs on core coaching competences continuum education to bring the Human Systems Dynamics Institute’s models and methods to coaches. Delivered in English and Spanish. 3rd cohort just finished.
- Miriam has directed and coordinated the postgraduate course “Leadership skills in social and healthcare organizations” at the Fundació Unió Catalana d’Hospitals / Universitat de Manresa. She has also delivered some of the class hours and has tutored the postgraduate thesis.
- Miriam has trained nurses on leadership skills using simulations techniques at the Nurse School Hospital del Mar, Barcelona
- Miriam trains the mentors and mentees at the Barcelona institute of Science and Technology
Other Activities and Professional Contributions
- Miriam was awarded Top 20 Best Coaches of Barcelona 2022
- Mentor at Barcelona Activa, Programa Lidera for women entrepreneurship
- Mentor at Professional Women Network.
- Mentor at Barcelona Institute of Science and technology
- Miriam has been collaborating with the International Coaching Federation during the International Coaching week for 5 years delivering 15 webinars and workshops.
- Miriam has been interviewed on several media (Abra Learning laboratory, Berlin Change Days, Talavera’s magazine).