Providing Expert Soft-Skills Coaches, Trainers and Speakers for International Organisations
Benefits of Soft Skills Training with Smart Coaching & Training
Our Specialist Soft Skills
We focus on Soft Skills such as Leadership, Communication, Presentation and Diversity & Inclusion. Our associates have many other skills. Look at their profiles here
We work with 25 Expert Associates – in four continents speaking 14 languages
Moreover they are very diverse: Generational (45 years age range between associates) Support each of the top five religions, Multiple Genders, Sexuality, Races. Most have lived in more than one country.
They know each other. They are hand-picked, they work as a team, they are respected experts and they are all outgoing! We don’t recruit boring people! See them here
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Recent Activities

Organised by SCT Associates Jessica Breitenfeld and Alba Lucia Hincapié Both on February 15. Luisa on Zoom, Darren in Person Tickets: Luisa on zoom: and Darren in person
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Our Soft Skills Training and Coaching Accreditations and Associations
Home Accreditations
The presence of the logo above means that SCT or at least one of the Associates belongs to the specified association