Signature Corporate Training, Signature Workshop Series and On-line Training
note – this page is in draft form after major revision
Tailored to your organisational needs, our training courses provide you with a forum to develop productivity and alignment across departments and functions . We offer
- Signature Corporate Training, Long courses and Retreats .
- Workshops and Short Courses.
- On-line Training.
Together they deliver a good grounding in the basics of good business and life practice.
Whatever your organisational, individual, leadership or team needs are, have Smart Coaching & Training be your first call. Starting with a free strategy session we will discuss your needs and create a proposal to suit you.
Our Training Types
Longer courses including Signature Corporate Training, Shorter courses and On-Line
Maximise yourself and the talent that’s available within you
Signature Corporate Training, Longer courses and retreats
We offer:
- The Signature Corporate Training series. These are our most popular courses. which last between 1-5 days and cover such topics as Leadership, Diversity & Inclusion which can be delivered face-to-face or online, depending on your requirements.
- Other courses. These are courses which SCT has delivered and can be made available.
- Retreats. Each of these courses can be set up as retreats
- Signature Corporate Training: see more...
Workshops and Short Courses
These courses last between one hour to one day. They can be delivered face to face or by webinar, Covering topics such as NLP, Wellness.. Workshops and Short Courses .See more
On-line workshops
On-line Training. delivered online for individuals that want to learn new skills in their own time. . Covering topics such as Communication . We also have a number of Podcasts On line Courses .See more Note: Our online training courses are currently not available – most are available as one day courses
Together they deliver a good grounding in the basics of good business and life practice.
Our Approach to Training and Development
Our training is more than attending class
Not just attending class
Tailored to your organisational needs, our training provides you with a forum to develop productivity and alignment across departments and functions, using many different methods.
Approach to training
We don’t teach, there’s no death by Powerpoint, we enable through experiential learning, sharing, creativity and curiosity. Our courses get people exploring options for progressing skills development and knowledge acquisition to support their ambitions, objectives and career progression goals. The focus is on giving everyone the opportunity to create clear strategies to facilitate these objectives, and make these goals happen. Understanding limiting beliefs and potential obstacles, how to manage these, how to celebrate difference and turn adversity into advantage, we aim to set the way clear to change to a mind-set of positive self-belief and achievement.
Other approaches to learning
Group and Teamwork:
Increasing in popularity to build on individual performance development, group coaching brings the conversations into a wider context that can provide invaluable feedback and new perspectives. You might be looking to grow team understanding and cohesion, or improve collaboration and sharing. Coaching in small groups and teams enables people to have critical and progressive conversations benefiting both the individuals and the group as well as having positive organisational impact.
Workshops and Seminars :
We understand that for learning and development to really work it needs to be fun and worthwhile, be engaging, provide a sense of value and show some real ways forward. To make this happen, our approach is energetic and compelling, drawing on sound theory and presenting this in a practical way. We facilitate a dynamic and insightful experience to ensure deep understanding and learnings that will endure. Attendees learn to appreciate their own strengths, what is missing, what can be better, and to explore options to set the right objectives, define the best solutions and find the right strategies and tactics to achieve these. We aim to be catalyst and enabler for development and transformation, building vision, capability and performance.
Learning Clubs
See the section on Learning Clubs under ‘Coach’
Format of training and how to order
Learning in big chunks and small chunks, on your own or with groups, on line or face to face
Ordering non-on-line training course
The basic form for training is to undertake a series of training days with one of our associates. They can be delivered on-line or Face to Face. Typically we sell a Training Course to an organisation and not individual places on Courses The pricing depends on location, whether delivered in person, and the number of attendees. You send an enquiry, make a payment from an invoice and we set it up for you. Call us on +447788425688 for more details or send us an enquiry
Ordering on-line training course
Follow the link to On line Courses .See more then book on line
What clients have said
We keep training testimonials with the profile pages of the associates who delivered them. In addition you can see selected testimonials on the flyers assigned to individual Long and Short Courses. We have also some testimonials on the case studies pages on ‘Our Clients’ and on the home page. Documenting all the testimonials for all the training delivered by all the associates is a very long task and the information is elsewhere.