Spiral Dynamics (Psycho-social Adult Development and Vertical Development)

Spiral Dynamics is also known as and is similar to Psycho-social Adult Development and Vertical Development
Corporations that help their executives and leadership teams examine their personal world views or action logics can reap rich rewards in terms of effective cultural transformation and engaging the younger generation. Organisational Managers have two broad options in how to use their authority to serve the organisation at any given time. On the one hand they can perceive themselves to be in a managerial mode delivering today’s outcomes within the relative ‘certainty’ of the system as it currently exists and operates (Microcosmic) or else by stepping back into an uncertain big picture mode of leadership of the future (Macrocosmic). Their daily performance necessarily combines both operational management of today’s needs along with a more strategic leadership role focused on tomorrow’s needs.
Whatever your organisational, individual, leadership or team needs are, have Smart Coaching & Training be your first call. Starting with a free strategy session we will discuss your needs and create a proposal to suit you.
We offer
- associates who work with and can coach you. (see People)
- four day training course on Evolving As a Leader (see Train )
- Call us on +447788425688 for more details or send us an enquiry
Evolving as a Leader
Based on research from the work by David Rooke and William R. Torbert on ‘Seven Transformations of Leadership’ (Published by Harvard), their Leadership Development Framework (LDF) has Seven (7) stages of Adult Development (Vertical Development) though that model has been increased now to eight due to the expanded awareness of this work. Along with other different but similar vertical psychology approaches (Spiral Dynamics (SD) for instance), throughout a particular lifetime, adults start at one and can progress through the many levels to level seven or eight. The closer you are to these higher levels of consciousness (6,7 and 8), the more able you will be to effect and deliver on change, be an effective director and manage internationally. Each stage can be regarded as a level of awareness or consciousness for a particular worldview or action logic and forms the psychological basis for a critical perception of why we act in a certain way. Whenever the world stops making sense to us individually, it normally indicates a shift upwards in consciousness is awaiting to emerge, though it can take up to two years to progress from one level to the next; in fact less than 20 % actually make it past stage three, the Achiever level. The categories are, in reverse order:
Action Logic | Characteristics | Strengths | % with this action logic |
Alchemist | Generates social transformations. Integrates material, spiritual, and societal transformation. | Good at leading society-wide transformations. | 1% |
Strategist | Generates organizational and personal transformations. Exercises the power of mutual inquiry, vigilance, and vulnerability for both the short and long term. | Effective as a transformational leader. | 4% |
Individualist | Interweaves competing personal and company action logics. Creates unique structures to resolve gaps between strategy and performance. | Effective in venture and consulting roles. | 4% |
Achiever | Meets strategic goals. Effectively achieves goals through teams; juggles managerial duties and market demands. | Well suited to managerial roles; action and goal oriented. | 30% |
Expert | Rules by logic and expertise. Seeks rational efficiency. | Good as an individual contributor. | 38% |
Diplomat | Avoids overt conflict. Wants to belong; obeys group norms; rarely rocks the boat. | Good as supportive glue within an office; helps bring people together. | 12% |
Opportunist | Wins any way possible. Self-oriented; manipulative; “might makes right.” | Good in emergencies and in sales opportunities. | 5% |
The voyage of development ‘from manager to leader’ is not an easy one. Some people change little during their lifetimes; some change substantially. Despite the undeniably crucial role of genetics, human consciousness is not fixed and affects our decision making, though we may feel more comfortable at particular ones. Those who are willing to work at developing themselves and becoming more self-aware can almost certainly evolve over time into truly transformational leaders. For the future world emerging, the higher stages of consciousness are being called forth dramatically, with the younger generation coming in at levels far higher than their bosses (Yellow and Turquoise), creating new tensions in the corporate cultures. Few current leaders may become or want to become Alchemists (Turquoise in SD) desiring to change the world for the worlds sake (Non ego driven), but many well have the desire and potential to become Individualists (Green) and Strategists (Yellow) or at least progress and take the next steps appropriate to them on their ‘Heroes Journey’. Remember that “higher worldviews can see lower levels but lower cannot see higher”. Corporations that help their executives and leadership teams examine their personal world views or action logics can reap rich rewards in terms of effective cultural transformation and engaging the younger generation.
Adult Development Programme
using Spiral Dynamics

The programme consists of three stages and can be delivered to individuals, teams or groups. We can assess a participant’s world view level and structure a plan for development to move to the next level, if appropriate.
Research shows that leaders can transform from one action logic to another. The leader’s voyage of development is not an easy one. Some people change little in their lifetimes; some change substantially. Despite the undeniably crucial role of genetics, human nature is not fixed. Those who are willing to work at developing themselves and becoming more self-aware can almost certainly evolve over time into truly transformational leaders. Few may become Alchemists, but many will have the desire and potential to become Individualists and Strategists. Corporations that help their executives and leadership teams examine their action logics can reap rich rewards.
The programme consists of three stages. And can be delivered to individuals or for groups. It is to assess a participant’s action leader level and to develop a plan for development to move to the next level.
You will learn to
- Explain the 7-8 levels of Vertical Development and what the key characteristics are
- Understand the basics of vertical development and how they relate
- Understand the stages of Spiral Dynamics and how they relate to Vertical Development
- Appreciate the importance and relevance of Spirit(uality) in your life and work compared to ego development
- Identify what your Vertical Development Leader Level is by questionnaire and interview
- Compare horizontal psychology techniques like MBTI, C-Me or DISC to see how they support each other
- Show and talk with others on the course by sharing – gaining more insight – and possible revision
- Build an empathic, trusting coaching relationships that achieve objectives and better performance outcomes
- Consider a method for individuals and teams to explore their strengths, potential, ambitions and options
- Develop an individual plan, by coaching, to help you develop your skills to get to the next, or possible, higher level, within a timeframe

Detailed Outline
Session 1
- Complete the ‘Action Logic Level’ This can be done on-line and consists of several questions requiring a written answer, a sentence or two to complete the response
- An initial ‘Action Leader Level’ will be assigned at this stage
Session 2
- Undertake a series of one-to-one or possible group sessions to review the results of Session One
- This will result in a review and possible revision of the Action Logic Level the ‘Action Logic Level’
- The ability to build an empathic, trusting coaching relationships that achieve objectives and better performance outcomes
- Providing a method for individuals and teams to explore their strengths, potential, ambitions and options
Session 3
- Developing an individual plan, by coaching, to help you develop your skills to get to the next, or possible, higher level, within a timeframe.
Review Session
- Periodic reviews of progress – and adjustment of plans – Individual Coaching
- Note that these sessions can be included in standard coaching sessions