Well – it’s now flaming June – somehow we now find ourselves halfway through the year. So how are you getting on with those new year resolutions you made in January?
If you promised yourself you’d join the local gym and get on the road to better health but find yourself slipping then our coaching team can help you find that inspiration and motivation you need to get you back on track.
Team member and GP Dr Stephen Brooke not only runs a busy practice but is also our resident Health and Wellness coach, and is the person to talk to …
If that romance that started out so well at the beginning of the year is no longer blossoming you might like to get in touch with Ann-Marie Conroy, our specialist in personal relationships.
Coaches Richard Hovey, Isla Baliszewska, and Di Morgan are always on hand to help you on the work front if you feel that you could do with a mid-year change of direction.