Test your Emotional Intelligence
Take our Emotional Intelligence Test below by marking yourself out of 10 for each of the 16 statements.
For statements 1-10 mark yourself up to 10 if you think you are good at this
For statements 11-16 mark yourself up to 10 if you fall in the middle veering to 0 if you are at the extremes.
If you scored less than 100 perhaps you could benefit from some coaching from our Confidence and Positive Psychology coaches – even more relevant in Business than in your private live.
Emotional Intelligence Test
It is hard to develop Emotional Intelligence (EQ) if you do not value yourself and others. These Core attitudes underpin development in all aspects of Emotional Intelligence.
1. Self Regard: The degree to which you accept and value yourself
2. Regard for others: The degree to which you accept and value others as people, as distinct from liking or approving what they may do
Relative Regard: this compares your Self regard with your Regard for others and reveals the degree to which you value yourself more or less than you value others.
Self and other awareness are the foundation to developing Emotional Intelligence. Our feelings tell us what we want, like and need, and what we perceive of others feelings lets us know what they want and need
3. Self Awareness: The degree to which you are in touch with your body, your feeling and your intuitions
4. Awareness of others: the degree to which you are in touch with the felling states of others
Self Management
This is about how effectively you manage yourself
5. Emotional resilience: The degree to which you are able to pick yourself up and bounce back when things go badly for you
6. Personal Power: The degree to which you are in charge and take sole responsibility for your outcomes in life
7. Goal Directedness: The degree to which you relate your behaviour to long term goals
8. Flexibility: The degree to which you feel free to adapt your thinking and your behaviour to match the changing situations of life
9. Personal connectedness: The extent and ease with which you are able to make significant connections with other people by sharing yourself with them
10. Invitation to trust: The degree to which you invite the trust of others by being principled, reliable, consistent and known.
Relationship Management
This reflects your patterns of behaviour and how well you relate to others. With these it is possible to have ‘too much’ as well as ‘too little’ Emotional Intelligence. For example, feelings which burst out uncontrollably (too little control) are often the results of bottling feeling up (too much control). The emotionally intelligent position is to be high in the middle of the scale
11. Trust: Your tendency to trust others (mistrustful/Carefully trusting/over trusting)
12. Balanced outlook: How well you manage balance optimism with realism (Pessimistic/Realistically optimistic/Over optimistic)
13. Emotional expression and control: The degree to which you are emotionally controlled. (Under controlled/Free and in charge/Over controlled
14. Conflict Handling: How well you handle conflict: how assertive you are (Passive/Assertive/Aggressive)
15. Interdependence: How well you manage to balance taking yourself and taking others into account, and work well with other people. (dependent/interdependent/over dependent)
16. Reflective Learning: The degree to which you enhance your Emotional Intelligence by reflecting on what you and others fell, think and do, noting the outcomes these produce, and altering your patterns as necessary