Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Psychologist Abraham Maslow outlines what is known as a Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, representing all the various needs that motivate human behaviour. The hierarchy is often displayed as a pyramid, with the lowest levels representing basic needs and more complex needs located at the top of the pyramid. The five levels are Physiological Needs, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem, and finally, at the peak of this hierarchy is self-actualisation. The hierarchy suggests that when the other needs at the base of the pyramid have been met, you can then focus your attention on this pinnacle need of self-actualisation. In psychology, self-actualisation is achieved when you’re able to reach your full potential. Being truly self-actualised is considered the exception rather than the rule since most people are working to meet more pressing needs.
But how do you know when you have gotten there? Are you being true to yourself, no longer putting on an act to please others? Do different types of personality achieve self actualisation differently?
Jungian Profiling Tools
There are many profiling tools all based upon the work of Jung. All work on the premise that there are four types of personalities and everyone is a unique combination of all of them.
And they all use different terminology. In detail, all individuals can be classified into predominantly extrovert (active) or introvert (reflective/reactive);
What self-actualisation might look like
What self-actualisation, your full potential, might look like if you are:
Extrovert/logical (Directive)
• Being up to the challenge: successful at all the projects you are undertaking and being in charge on your terms and being recognised for it
Extrovert/emotional (Inspiration)
• Having great relationships and lots of action with many people while being exactly who you are
Reflective/ emotional (Service)
• Everybody is OK in their own right and with you. They are collaborating with you, and everyone is OK with you being who you are, and you are safe.
We suport and supply a number of profiling tools and have knowledge of several more. Take a look at this video, which is the first of a series describing the fundamentals, and ask us for more detail.
Written by David Rigby, © 2021 Smart Coaching & Training Ltd